The IRAC Insecticide Mode of Action (MoA) Classification for your mobile device is an easy to use searchable database which allows you to identify insecticide active ingredients and their respective MoA groups without the need for a data connection.
It is essential for Insecticide resistance management (IRM) to minimise the selection of resistance to any one type of insecticide and this is best carried out by the use of alternations, sequences or rotations of compounds from different MoA groups. The IRAC MoA application allows you search which active ingredients below to which groups and should help you in the selection of treatments for effective IRM.
重要的是对杀虫剂的耐药性管理(IRM),以尽量减少阻力选择的任何一种类型的杀虫剂而这最好通过使用交替序列或旋转的化合物,从不同的农业部组进行。 IRAC农业部的应用程序允许您搜索以下其中团体和活性成分有效的IRM应该可以帮助您在治疗方法的选择。